Course Details
Offline Classroom Training : 95 Hours (3 Hours Per Day)
Lesson 1: Getting Started
- Introduction
- What is Node
- Node Architecture
- How Node Works
- Installing Node
Lesson 2: Node Module System
- Introduction
- Global Object
- Modules
- Creating Modules
- Different Modules
- Event Module and Arguments
Lesson 3: Node Package Manager
- Introduction
- Package and using package.json
- Npm package and source control
- Operations using packages
Lesson 4 : ES6 Refresher
- Let Var Const
- Objects
- This and inding this
- Arrow functions and this
- Spread operator
- Classes and inheritance
- Modules
Lesson 5 : Components
- Introduction
- Setting up Projects
- Rendering and conditional rendering
- Event Handling and Binding Event handling
- Introduction to State Updating state
Lesson 6 : Composing Components
- Passing data
- Passing Children
- Props VS State
- Syncing Components
- Stateless Functional Components
- Lifecycle Hooks
- Mounting and updating Phase
Lesson 7 : Pagination Filtering and Sorting
- Pagination
- Component Interface
- Displaying Pages
- Handling Page Changes
- Paginating Data
- Type Checking with Prop Types
- Filtering
- Sorting
Lesson 8 : Routing
- Introduction and setup
- Switch and Link
- Route props
- Passing props
- Route parameters
- Query String Parameters
- Redirect
- Programmatic Navigation
- Nested Routing
Lesson 9 : Forms
- Building a bootstrap form
- Handling form submission
- Validation
- Joi
Lesson 10 : Calling Backend Services
- Http client
- Getting creating updating and deleting data
- Installing mongodb
- Setting Node Backend
- Adding Http and log service
Lesson 11 : Authentication and Authorization
- Registration Form
- Logging in a user and Handling Login Errors
- JSON Web Token
- Refactoring
- Calling protected API endpoints
- Authorization
- Protecting and extracting protected routes
Lesson 12 : Deployments
- Test-driven development basics
- Preparing App for Production
- Heroku
- Basic Git
Lesson 13 : Wrap Up
ReactJS is an open-source JavaScript library used for developing interactive user interfaces. It has evolved as one of the most popular and efficient JavaScript front-end libraries over time. React helps in the creation of reusable UI components, which contains rapidly changing data. Developed by Facebook and maintained by a community of developers, React aids in developing applications with more ease, scalability and robustness. Hence most of the organizations are migrating to ReactJS which has created a huge demand for  React experts and developers.
The one-to-one training provided by One Team Solutions will help you master the art of creating and deploying dynamic front end applications using React. ReactJS course curriculum at One Team is designed by industry experts and is at par with the latest advancements in the field.