Course Details
Offline Classroom Training : 3 Months (3 Hours Per Day)
- Java Concepts
- Android Basics
- Android Terms And XML
- Activity Life Cycle
- Android Manifest File
- User Interface
- Layouts
- Adapter Views & Image
- Widgets & Common Screen Controls
- Activity Communication
- Starting other activities
- Passing data between Activities
- Passing objects
- Getting result from activity
- Debugging
- Log cat
- Permissions
- Persistent Storages
- Shared Preferences
- SQLite
- Files
- Content Providers
- Services
- Background & Foreground Services
- Bound Services
- Broadcast Receivers
- Receiving Broadcast
- Custom Broadcasts
- Notifications
- Networking & Threads
- Retrofit & Volley Libraries
- Location & Maps
- Fragments
- Conclusion
Course Summary
Android is the most popular and best selling Operating system worldwide on smartphones and tablets. It’s a Linux-based open-source operating system and every year Google releases new versions of Android with significant improvements and new features over the previous. The latest Android Oreo have improved smartphone performance and security of the device.
Recent statistics show that Android will retain its major share in smartphones and mobile operating systems in the coming years. The job market for android app development is expected to grow by 32%. So the opportunities in this field are also high. With One Team Solutions‘ top-notch Android App Development Training, you’ll be definitely on the right career path.