Explore iOS Course
Course Details
Offline Classroom Training : 3 Months (3 Hours Per Day)
- Introductions to basics of programming.
- Gaining a comfort level with Xcode
- Getting to know XCODE
- Demystifying The Xcode Interface.
- Understanding Concepts of Storyboard & View Controllers.
- The Navigator Area.
- Introduction to SWIFT programming language
- Variables and Constant in SWIFT
- Understand variable declaration.
- Understanding syntax for variable declaration.
- Type defining the variable.
- Understanding constant declaration.
- Syntax for declaring the constant.
- Understanding Type Annotation.
- Tuples and it’s benefits.
- How values are interpreted in print statement.
- Understanding Optional Variables concepts.
- Understanding Implicit Optional UnWrapping concepts.
- Â Swift Operators
- Arithmetic Operators
- Comparison Operators
- Logical Operators
- Assignment Operator
- Range Operators
- Â LOOPs + Decision Making + Derived Data Types
- Understand If, If Else If and Switch statements in Swift.
- for..in and while loops.
- Arrays & Dictionary
- Â Functions or Methods, Closure in Swift
- Understanding Method declaration and parameters.
- Understanding Functions as Type.
- Talk about Functions as parameters.
- Talk functions as returned type.
- Nesting of function definition. Implementing functions within the functions.
- Talk about Closure concepts.
- Â Properties, Protocols & Delegates in SWIFT
- Talk about properties
- Talk about properties in SWIFT
- What are delegates?
- Talk about Protocols in Swift
- Â Introduction to Extensions
- What are Extensions
- Benefits of using Extensions.
- How to create Extensions
- Combining additional frameworks in an Xcode project configuration.
- Introduction to Cocoapods
- What is podfile.
- Using cocoapods to install third party libraries.
- Introduction to UI Elements & Functionality (labels, buttons, switch, ITable View etc)
- Introduction to Auto layout & Core Data
- Understanding concepts of constraints
- How to use constraints to design for views of all sizes
- Understanding what is Core Data?
- Difference between core data & other Databases.
- Using Core Data to save,fetch,modify & delete records
Apple iOS is the second most popular mobile operating system after Android and the hottest tech thing around right now. iPhone and iPad rely on iOS as their operating system. And they are one of the important pieces of technological hardware in the past twenty years. Companies who want to reach the mass audience who love and use Apple mobile products hires iOS experts to their workforce. And iOS developers are in huge demand and companies are searching far and wide for them. One Team Solution’s well organized ios training course is in-depth and consistently updated with Apple’s latest development tools and technologies.