by oneteamsolutions | Oct 24, 2020 | It & Software Training
Let’s face it, 2020 has been a bumpy ride since New Year’s. Life as we know it came to a standstill and many people lost their jobs. And that leaves us wondering how do we go on to get that IT job we’ve been daydreaming about. Without further ado let’s look into 5 things you should do to get an IT Job in 2020.
Attending Webinars will help you get extra insight into the needs of the industry and gain valuable information from experienced professionals. This will make you look more appealing to the upper management and have a better chance of getting that corner office. Moreover, by attending Webinars you increase your knowledge of the latest trends and improve strategies, inversely increasing your professional worth.
We know that, during an interview, it’s important to be clear and come off as confident. By recording a mock interview of yourself, and by listening to it, you can easily realize where you lack and then improve on it. Doing this right will give the Interviewer a good impression and help you stand out from the rest. You can also take on aptitude tests at “India BIX”, to improve your chances.
As we know a resume is your primary introduction to the recruiter. It is a bad practice to send out a generic version of the resume to every recruiter. So making changes to the resume depending on the job description will boost your chances of getting selected.
Profile Updation & Networking:
It is very important to keep your LinkedIn profile and details up to date. Reaching out to existing contacts and making new relevant connections can help you move towards your professional goal. By tweaking certain options it’ll be a great platform to help you find employment and also help employers find you!
Learn new Software & Hardware Tools:
Use your free time to your advantage, follow your interest, and learn new software and hardware functions. You can make use of YouTube and learn new skills, also at the same time reinforce old ones.
Adding the necessary details to your resume & with the necessary skills developed, you are more likely to have an upper hand than someone who hasn’t followed these steps. Suddenly 2020 doesn’t seem so bad! And that IT job isn’t so hard to catch!
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Click here to know about Digital Marketing Training at One Team
by oneteamsolutions | Aug 7, 2020 | It & Software Training
In today’s digital world, the internet is entwined with everything we do. Marketing has always been about connecting with people in the right place and at the right time. Today, that means you need to market your products to the customers where they spend most of their time- ‘The Internet’ !
There comes the importance of Digital Marketing or Internet Marketing in 2020
What is Digital Marketing?
Digital marketing is a strategy to use digital media in reaching out to customers in a smarter way. In comparison with the traditional marketing strategies, experts identify it as a new endeavor which requires innovative ways to approach customers and understand their behavior.
Since 2000, an exponential increase in the numbers of Internet users were noticed.The social media and smartphone boom from the start of the previous decade rapidly accelerated the number of Internet users. Since then, customers began searching for products and making decisions about their needs online first, instead of having consultation from a product outlet/store. Customers started reading Online Reviews, Searched out for Photos and Videos of the businesses and Researched on various websites before making buying decision.
What are the different Digital Marketing techniques?
There are different aspects of digital marketing. So each aspect has to be given attention to get maximum potential of digital marketing. Companies may need experts for each module of strategizing, planning and executing digital marketing activities in their company. This is where freshers who passing out colleges in 2020, 2019 have an opportunity. Students can avail digital marketing course in Trivandrum, so that they can apply at various companies and increase their Job Chances.
Following are some major digital marketing modules.
There are two ways to utilize SEM
SEO ( Search Engine Optimization) is the practice of increasing the web traffic of a website through organic search.Every search engine has a web crawler(BOT) that goes out and gathers information about all the content they can find on the internet. Websites with the specific keywords will appear on the top of search results. By making a website SEO friendly, it helps to generate more traffic to the website. Hence by using SEO, the brands can increase their reach. Let’s take an example.
- A user logs in to Google and searches for Buy Flats in Kochi.
- When a user makes such a query, Google Bot will take this Keyword(Buy Flats in Kochi) and searches for all possible websites matches with this Keyword.
- This process happens in fraction of Seconds and google comes up with results in such a way that the most relevant Websites for this keywords will be shown on top the Result Page.
- Then the user will click on top 2/3 websites to review various builders.(Screenshot Mentioned Below)
This process of optimizing a website for particular Key Words is called SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION

PPC (Pay Per Click) involves paying search engines to display an advertisement in search results page. Google Ad Words is one example of PPC marketing. In PPC advertising, money is paid each time someone clicks on the ad displayed in search results. Google will display PPC ads above organic(SEO) listing.The difference in SEO and PPC is the former is increasing visibility to the website without any payment. But in latter method payment is required to increase visibility. Search result for the Keyword – Buy Flats in Kochi has been shown below.

SMM (Social Media Marketing) is a form of Internet marketing that exploits the potential of social media applications like Facebook, Instagram, Youtube Etc as a marketing tool. SMM focus is to produce targeted content that users will share in their social media accounts to help a company increase their reach. Similar to SEO, SMM has SMO (Social Media Optimization ) it’s strategy is to attract new visitors to a website. The best attraction of Social Media Marketing is that a Company which plans to promote its products can specifically target people in Social Media based on Age Group, Location, Interests Etc
Opportunities and Scope of Digital marketing in 2020?
Traditional marketing techniques are quite expensive. A small scale business owner will not be able to spend huge money on advertising.Also in Digital Marketing , Advertisements can be targeted specifically to prospective customers.
Here comes digital marketing in a picture where the business can create a brand for themselves with less spending.
Every company that has an online presence need Digital marketers. There are plenty of opportunities for people looking to enter the world of digital marketing. As digitization continues across industries, companies across the globe from start-ups to MNC’s are seeking digital professionals.
There is a large gap in the demand and supply of Digital marketers. The demand is very high, but the number of digital marketing professionals is very less. According to Placement India, the demand for Digital Marketing professionals will be more than 20 lakh by 2020. As on 7th August 2020, One Team had posted 107 Digital Marketing Vacancies Posted in our Job Portal –
So this year is the best time to invest your time for Digital Marketing Training.
Useful Links
Click here to know about Digital Marketing Training at One Team
by oneteamsolutions | Aug 5, 2020 | It & Software Training
Learn Python in Kochi – Why, How, When ?
Python is the world’s fastest growing and the most popular programming language. Because of its beginner-friendly programming approach, it is used by people in various disciplines such as software engineers, mathematicians, data analysts, accountants, network engineers etc.
What is Python – Brief History
Python was envisaged in the late 1980s by Guido van Rossum, a Dutch programmer at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica in the Netherlands. The language was released in the year 1991 as a successor to ABC programming language. When it was released the code readability and easy understanding of the language were very well received. There are different versions of Python in which Python 2.7 and Python 3.7 are the most popular ones.For various purposes like developing, scripting, generation and software testing, Python is the most preferred choice. It’s been 30 years since the first version has launched till date Python hasn’t lost its charm.Initially, Guido van Roadum started Python as a hobby project. After 30 years from 1991, Python now leads the entire IT industry.
Why Python is trending in 2020?
PYPL (Popularity of Programming Language Index) scores Python as the most popular language and also is ranked top in the list of most popular programming languages. One of the main reasons for the popularity of python language is its simplicity in writing codes. Understanding codes in languages like JAVA, C, C++ is a little bit difficult for a beginner. But python language reads almost like plain English and has many features that allow you to write complex tasks with less effort. Additionally, there are many applications for which Python is a great option, including automation, data science, AI and machine learning, web development and Internet of Things (IoT)
Trending Applications of Python
Python supports cross-platform operating systems which makes it the most preferred choice. As an open-source language, it is used on many large scale projects at Google, YouTube, BitTorrent, DropBox, etc.
Web Development
Web development means creating and maintaining Simple and Complex websites and web applications Typically, web development involves front-end and a backend. Everything that interacts with the user is called the front-end. A backend contains business logic, and it interacts with a database. A user will not be having any direct communications with the Back End.
Python can be used to make web-applications very easily. It is because of the useful frameworks Python uses to create these applications. A web framework is a collection of packages and modules made up of pre-written, standardized code which makes development faster and easier. Django and Flask are the most popular Python web development frameworks.
Data Science
Harvard Business Review named Data Scientist as the sexiest job for the 21st century.
Data science is the field of study that combines expertise from domains like programming, mathematics, statistics to derive meaningful insights from data. Data science is the most significant reason why people are learning Python in 2020. It has a rich set of libraries and tools such as NumPy, Pandas, matplotlib, and SciPy for math, data manipulation, and data visualization.
Machine Learning
The development of machine learning is seeing a remarkable growth over a few years. It is a subset of Artificial Intelligence(AI) which provides machines with the ability to learn and improve from training without being programmed every time.Libraries such as Keras and TensorFlow makes machine learning easy to learn. In other programming languages, the simplicity python offers for machine learning is absent. Python is the only significant programming language that makes machine learning simpler.
Even though companies don’t hire freshers in bulk for Data Science/ML/AI projects, freshers can consider learning Python as the First Step of getting into these new IT Universe.
IoT (Internet of Things)
The Internet of Things will change our world. Connecting all things with sensors and cloud computing will open the door to the next industrial 4.0 revolution. Smart devices are increasingly filling our lives nowadays. Microcomputer like the Raspberry Pi can connect with sensors, displays, lights, actuators and more, and allow us to write code in Python language to communicate between these parts, as well as send and receive data over the internet and other communication methods like Bluetooth.
Job opportunities
There should be no worry about python jobs as it the most preferred language in Web Development, Data Science, Machine Learning, Automation, etc. If you are skilled in any of Python you can easily land on a job. There is a significant gap in the demand and supply of Python developers in countries like India and the USA. So expertise in Python will always be an added advantage for your career. Students looking for a Job can plan to Learn Python in Kochi to get an IT Job.
Useful Links
Click Here to know more about Python Training at One Team
Click Here to Create a Job Profile at our Job Portal
If you need any Career support, feel free to contact One Team at 9567440597 or 9567434151
by oneteamsolutions | Jun 25, 2020 | HR & Placements
Ever wondered how to find IT jobs in Kerala?
Information technology has become very important for most organizations and industries. Even small scale industries today feel the need for IT professionals. The number of IT jobs in Kerala has increased in recent years and IT tools are now used almost everywhere. Everyone dream to get an IT Jobs in Kerala soon after the studies. Let’s have a tour of how hiring in the IT industry takes place.
Which are the top companies hiring freshers in IT industry 2020 in Kerala?
Many MNC’s hire freshers in Bulk. MNC’s such as TCS, IBM, Infosys, Wipro, Accenture, CTS, Cape Gemini are the major recruiters of freshers. Recruitment procedures are done mainly in two modes
- On-Campus Drives
- Off-Campus Drives
What is the difference between these two modes?
In On-Campus drives, the companies approach the students via their college of study and in Off-Campus drive, students need to approach the companies by visiting the places they conduct drives. On-Campus drives are organized by colleges and all the eligible students are allowed to attend it. It is an accepted fact that the competitions in On-Campus drives are less compared to the Off-Campus placements which are open to all students who are willing to approach the company.
Does missing campus placement put a full stop in your IT Job career in Kerala?
Not at All !
ON-CAMPUS recruitment drives can give opportunities for many students though, some students may find it difficult to attend the recruitment procedures due to the lack of desired cut off percentage. However, even if they have the required cutoff and if they fail to get the required score in the tests conducted by IT companies, they will surely get eliminated.
There comes the significance of OFF-CAMPUS drives. Off-campus placements give access to more and a diverse set of job opportunities for freshers. Unlike on-campus placements where you are restricted to companies who have a tie-up with the college, off-campus placements allow you to even reach out to companies that do not visit your campus.
What are the common steps to be followed for off-campus recruitment drives?
- Prepare an impressive resume:
The first step towards finding a job off-campus is writing an impeccable fresher resume.
- Take several aptitude tests:
You are most likely to give a written test during an off-campus drive. So, prepare for the same by taking as many aptitude tests as possible. After all, practice makes one perfect.
- Do proper research:
Gather as much information as possible about the companies you are going to appear for during the off-campus drives. Look for industry / domain-specific knowledge as well; it will help you answer more confidently during the campus placement interviews.
- Prepare for interviews and group discussions:
Be prepared for group discussions on topics related to current affairs, socio-economic matter, political issues or any random topic. Also, it is always recommended to prepare some common interview questions to give it your best shot in the final interview.
- Keep your documents ready:
While hiring freshers, companies are very particular about checking the academic background of their candidates. You should have your documents ready and neatly filed in one place. Make sure you have all your mark sheets and documents with you. If anything is missing, apply for a duplicate copy to avoid any last minute hassles.
How to stand out in a crowd?
OFF campus drives are highly competitive. Students from multiple backgrounds with a variety of skills increase the rate of competition. In order to get successful in OFF campus recruitment, students must get equipped with the latest trending technologies that are being used in the IT industry. The amount of theoretical knowledge that you acquired from your textbooks are not good enough to make you hired. Since IT job market is a highly competitive one, the need of doing internships come into the limelight. The most important element of internships is that they integrate classroom knowledge and theory with practical application and skills developed in professional or community settings. Having an internship gives you experience in the career field you want to pursue. Not only does this give individuals an edge over other candidates when applying for jobs, it also prepares them for what to expect in their field and increases confidence in their work.
Methodologies adopted by One Team to help students get placed in this highly competitive job market:
- One Team will give free counseling to the job seekers who are interested to know about the trending technologies. The highly experienced career counseling team at One Team will analyze the skills and aptitude of an aspirant so that he/she could be molded rightly to get fit in the career.
- After counseling, the interested aspirants can join our internship program that focuses more on hands-on training, imparts practical knowledge by adopting one to one training as the catching capacity of every individual differs.
- It is quite common that IT aspirants need to face HR interviews as it is an essential criterion to analyze the soft skills that are needed to get along with the company and colleagues. There are certain tips and tricks available to crack the HR sessions very easily. One Team provides HR training as well to the interns for clearing their HR interview sessions.
- After successful completion of technical training, one live project will be assigned and the interns must submit it mandatory as it can be showcased in the technical interview session that would be like an icing on the cake.
One Team students get placed easily in the IT industry after their internship. It is because of the fact that IT companies select their employees mostly on a reference basis. Since One Team is the official recruiting partner of 250+ IT companies that are working at Infopark and Technopark, it can refer the students easily by sharing the information of technical skills acquired by the aspirants via doing internship. This is how One Team interns get placed easily and quickly to get IT jobs in Kerala in various IT companies via off campus drives.
Moreover, One Team provides lifelong job assistance with its own job portal – Many off-campus, drives are being conducted by One Team in association with several IT companies working across Kerala. It is noteworthy that One Team interns are getting job offers from more than one company. Hence interns can choose the best out of it to start up their career.
To conclude, If you missed out on your campus placements, no need to worry as the On-Campus is not the only option to secure a lucrative job.
Never forget that where there is a will, there is always a way!
Useful Links
Click here to see the Courses offered by One Team
by oneteamsolutions | Jun 16, 2020 | HR & Placements
Can I get a Jobs in Kerala, if I have Back Papers (Backlogs, Arrears, Supplementaries, or whatever you call it)?
If you ever had a Back Papers in your Academics, you might have asked this Question yourself several times.
Is Arrear a problem for getting a Jobs in Kerala?
Without Any Hesitation, we would Say NO!
Arrear Can’t Stop your Career!
Before going further let’s make the fundamentals Clear
- Companies hire you based on your skills, not based on your Academic Marks. We have seen many students having top CGPA fails to impress recruiters. We have also seen many students with Back Papers above 20 getting placed in Reputed Companies.
- Having said that, Back Papers obviously are not feathers on your Cap. You should definitely make an action plan to clear it
What should be your Plan if you have Back papers?
- The first and foremost thing is to be realistic. Many of you might be having a dream to get placed in Top Branded IT Firms like Google, Facebook, Amazon, Infosys, TCS, UST Global, Wipro, CTS Etc. The saddest part is that these so-called Tier 1 Companies will not allow students with Back papers to even attend their Recruitment Process. Then what’s Next Option?
- Loads of Start-Ups/ Companies (So-Called Tier 2,3, 4 Etc Upto Infinity) in Kerala recruit freshers, even if you have Back papers or comparatively low CGPA. Most of them don’t bother which college you studied, How Much percentage of Marks you have, Are you an all Pass graduate, on which technology you did your project Etc. One and Only thing these companies will check is Whether you have the Right Skills / Attitude and Passion to be successful in Life, this will helps you to get best jobs in Kerala with back papers
Now, how can you get into these Companies?
- Make your base strong. If you are a Computer Science Graduate concentrate on basic programming languages like C and Java. If you are not a CS Graduate you have to make a Step By Step Plan. Your First Step should not be to learn C or C++. But you should start learning basics like Algorithms, Flow Charts first. Once when you get the idea of how programming works, start to learn C Programming.
- Play Games! Yes, you heard it right. But not Pub G or Call on Duty. There are lots of games available which can improve your Logical Abilities. This doesn’t mean start playing such games 24 X 7. Spend 1 or 2 hours in a Day to play such Logical Ability Building games.
- Improve your Communication Skills. We know you might have heard this sentence at least 10000 times in your life. Communication skills, we didn’t mean English Speaking Skills. Communication skill is nothing, but the ability to present a Concept/Idea with Clarity (In Any Language). In Recruitment Perspective, communication Skills are really important. When you face an interview, there will be candidates who might have 8.0 CGPA, but poor communication skills. In that space, if you can come up with better language and communication skills, the recruiter will definitely notice you even though you have less CGPA and Back Papers.
Is it good to Start a Career with Small Companies/Start-Ups?
Definitely Yes! Because the Exposure you will get from these so-called Small Companies/Start-Ups will be really huge, compared with any other Top Branded MNC. In an MNC, you will be a part of a team that handles a Small Part of a Project. Hence your learning Curve and Exposure will not be that high. For Years you will be working on Same Technology/Client which will make your job literally a Clerical One. Whereas, in a Small Company/Startup, you will be assigned high priority tasks of various projects/clients. This will help you to learn the latest technologies and tools. Even such companies will provide you an opportunity to directly interact with clients, which eventually will make you a better professional in a short time.
To Sum Up, having Back papers is not at all an issue to find an IT job if you have the basics strong. Learn New Technologies like Python-Django, ASP.NET, PHP-Laravel, IOS, Android, Digital Marketing, and Skill Up. One Team Solutions offers various software courses including Python course in Trivandrum. At One Team we have trained many students with back papers and help them get placed in Reputed Companies. One Such Student had 17 Back Papers when he came to join One Team for doing his Internship. His Communication skills were also not at Par. But before completing his Internship at One Team, he got placed in a German Based MNC at Technopark Trivandrum.
This is one example and we have loads to tell!
So don’t be demotivated!
Decide now to Skill Up and Fly up like Phoenix!
For any Support feel free to contact One Team at 9567440597, 9567434151
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